Additional Educational Needs

The needs of every child are varied; each child is an individual. We have a well-established learning support system with specially trained staff working either alongside children in class or in small groups. We regularly monitor the progress of children receiving support. After full discussion with parents it may then be necessary for us to place a child on the SEN register, to provide tailored support through a Personal Plan. The level of support will vary from child to child depending on their need. Support, guidance and assessment can be sought from professionals to provide a holistic approach to your child’s learning and developmental needs. We are a wheelchair friendly school on ground floor level. If you would like any further information on this subject, then please review the school’s ‘Local Offer’ which can be found on our website. Alternatively please request a copy of our SEND policy along with any further guidance materials that we have. Please ring the school and we can send you copies of the appropriate policies.

SEND Local Offer Policy

SEND Information Policy 


• To educate, develop and prepare our children for life whatever their race, origin, religion, disability/ability, gender, sexual orientation or age.
• To be socially inclusive and ensure equal access and opportunity for all.
• To be fair in our recruitment and employment by showing no prejudice to any group or individual.
• To provide a positive and caring environment where mutual respect and appreciation is shown to one another as individuals.
• To provide a broad range of opportunities to reduce barriers to learning and advancement and promote success.

Who do I contact at Lanesend? Our Inclusion Team members are:

Nikki Napier - SENCO - 
Jessi Holmes - AEN Assistant

What is a Personal Plan?
Here at Lanesend we have changed what was the old Individual Education Plan (IEP) to a document called a ‘Personal Plan’. If a child is placed on the Additional Educational Needs register, a Personal Plan will be drawn up. A Personal Plan is a document which explains everything about your child. It will detail any assessments that have been completed, diagnoses that have been made and list any professionals involved. Details of any external reports for example speech and language reports, Educational Psychology recommendations or Physiotherapy exercises to name a few will all be placed on the Personal Plan to implement. The Personal Plan will be reviewed every 6 weeks with progress comments and next steps. A copy of your child’s Personal Plan will also be sent home half termly via email. Every 6 weeks your child will also have a ‘Teacher Target’ in place. This is a short and achievable goal which your child’s class teacher has set as a focus. Once the six weeks are completed, this target will be reviewed by all relevant staff involved and either closed or changed for the next 6 weeks. Personal plans are provided on an electronic basis every 6 weeks to families. They will be emailed home on the email addresses you provide us. Our system for storing this information is called Edukey.

Medical Information / Supporting Children with Medical Conditions in School

Why does my child have a Risk Assessment in place? An Individual Health and Risk Assessment will only be developed for a child based on one or more of the following reasons: 
• A Medical Condition where your child is medicated in school e.g. Asthma, Diabetes, regular controlled medication, etc
• A Medical Condition which potentially could cause significant harm to your child e.g. Asthma, Febrile Convulsions, Food allergies etc
• A Diagnosis of ADHD
• A Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
• Significant Behavioural Difficulties
• Physical challenges including significant mobility issues
A central requirement of our Medical and Additional Educational Needs policy is for an Individual Health and Risk Assessment to be prepared for those children who have one or more of the above conditions. This document will detail the support your child needs, how this will be provided and any risk factors that have been identified.

Health and Risk assessments are developed in partnership between school, parents & pupils. If required, we may contact relevant health care professionals who can advise on your child’s condition. The aim is to ensure that we know how to support your child effectively and to provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom.
This document will be reviewed once every term (3 times a year) unless the child’s family provide additional information in writing to school detailing the change required. Your child's risk assessment will be stored on Edukey (online information system) and a copy will be emailed to you at the beginning of the year.

What provisions do you run as an AEN Team?

Take a look at what some of our children have been up to!
 Boots to Ballet BalletWorks PerformanceBoots to Ballet Fundraiser - In school July 2018 Boots to Ballet with BalletWorks at Medina Theatre 
 Volunteer Tea Party 2018Country Dancing 2018 STEM Trip to Ben Ainsley Racing 2018
 Coastal Heritage Sensory Circuit September 2017Road Safety Training 2017  
 Healthy Eating SessionsBranston Farm Age UK – letter drop to the community 
 Antibullying Ambassador Cake SalePark Court – Choir visit at ChristmasPassport Tea Party and Reward Event 
 Country Dancing Album 1Country Dancing Album 2 Cheerleading 
 Eco Mentoring Transition Young Carers fund raiser 
Remarkable Children at Lanesend Primary School - Remarkable Children Policy  

As part of our Gifted and Talented Programme, we believe that ‘Remarkable Children’ come in all shapes and sizes. Remarkable children can be recognised through either an academic achievement or a talent. Here at Lanesend we are always on the hunt for a blossoming chef, mathematician, artist, performer or entrepreneur to name a few!

Take a look at some of our opportunities for our Remarkable Children.
 Solar Mars Rover with Hands on Science Discover: Robots and Rockets Non-fiction writing with Matt Whyman 
 CSI: Bake Off Maths workshop Roller Coaster Engineer Workshop Sounds Interesting! Science and physics
 Lighting and Sound Whirlwind Workshop Maths Problem Solving Workshop Bollywood Dance Workshop
 Story Writing with Colin Parsons Goodleaf Tree Climbing Exploration Aspiring Mathematician Workshop
 Love to Learn - encouraging high aspirations Stomp Dance: a visit from the West End Hands on Maths University of Cambridge
 CSI Blood Splatters Workshop Illustrate a Classic Life in the Medina Estuary
 Writers Workshop with Author Zella Compton Comic Creator Workshop  Sports Conditioning
 Spelling Bee Winners Literary Festival Winners Speech and Drama Winners Day 1
 Speech and Drama Winners Day 2 Winners of competitions etc 
 Recall and Reminisce Age UK Veterans Tycoon in Schools Business Project 


Achievements for our Remarkable Children:

  • Cross Country Championships
  • Football success for interschool competitions
  • Chamber Choir formed with opportunities to visit Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, perform, collaborate with a pianist, music lessons and so much more!
  • Technology day for girls at Vestas to design sustainable transport
  • A STEM club for land rover engineering
  • Yearly entries to the Isle of Wight Speech and Drama Festival
  • Dancing successes for our gifted Irish Dancers, Street Dancers and many more!
  • Acting opportunities through the school play or Dance Live.
  • Teacher Takeovers to explore interests and hobbies.
  • Careers events to explore the future
  • 500 word challenge and story writing opportunities for competitive events.
  • Committees within school to highlight children's personal qualities including antibullying ambassadors, charity committee, head of house, school council and SNAG group to name a few.
  • Spelling Bee
  • Maths Bee
Useful Information for Families:
Are you eligible for Short Breaks? Information for Short Breaks here
Do you need a third party source of advice? SEND IASS Information here
Wight Chyps/Local offer for the Isle of Wight Find out about local clubs, services and provisions for children with SEN here

IW Local Offer
A source of local information help, support and advice for parents and carers with children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 0-25 years old.