At Lanesend we strive to feel that wonderful sense of pride in all we do. Our school has many reward systems in place and opportunities to share the successes and achievements of our children.
Every week, we celebrate the children who have exemplified the Lanesend values by awarding them with a celebration certificate. We do this in our Key Stage assemblies and invite families in to share in their success and celebrate alongside us. These children are also celebrated in our weekly newsletter.
All children have a lanyard to track their achievements across the year, reflecting our school values of Pride (kindness and 'Team Lanesend'), Belonging (Effort and Achievement) and Respect (Good Manners and Caring). Children work towards eight achievements across the year. It is wonderful to celebrate the pride that children show every time they wear their lanyard.
Every child and team member of Lanesend Primary School belongs to one of our four houses. Children's successes are rewarded with House Tokens. Children can be rewarded with either a white (1 point), black (5 points) or gold (10 points) token, which they post into their House Team's pot. Every week the points are collated by our Head of Houses and the winning House team is celebrated in our celebration assembly and on our weekly newsletter. Who will be the winner this week?