Welcome to our family

Welcome to  Lanesend Primary School

Lanesend Primary School provides an inclusive and nurturing environment where every child has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Through our core values of pride, belonging and respect, children thrive and celebrate their achievements, embracing challenges with courage and resilience, being encouraged to love learning. Children secure the knowledge and skills to become happy and successful life-long learners, contributing confidently to the world in which they live.  

I am so proud to be the Headteacher of our truly unique school. Our skilled and dedicated staff – Team Lanesend - put our children at the very heart of everything we do with every new day providing new opportunities to learn and grow.

You are welcome to visit our wonderful school in action and see for yourself what makes us so exceptional. For further information about visiting, or about anything on our website, please do contact us.

Mrs Vickie Sutton 

BEd Hons, NPQH