Team Lanesend Sport

Welcome to Team Lanesend Sport

Here at Lanesend, we are lucky to have fantastic facilities. Children are able to use the outdoor gym, swing, trampolines and trim fit trail during break and lunchtimes. Our extensive grounds include a full-sized football pitch as well as a track for the ‘Golden Mile’ which forms part of keeping us fit and healthy. You can find out more about our PE curriculum in our curriculum section on this website. 

As well as participating in many different sporting competitions, we are also proud to host cross-Island and local tournaments. We also run a variety of Enrichment Clubs which our children can enjoy from bike-ability to roller-skating to skateboarding.  

To support our children becoming confident swimmers, we offer swimming lessons to all children in years 1-3. In years 5 and 6, children also have the opportunity to take part in taster sessions of water sports activities at UKSA, trying out a variety of activities from paddle-boarding to sailing.  
In the summer of 2024, we were proud to be awarded with the Platinum Primary Schools Game Mark. 

There are lots of ways to keep active at home. We have included the links below: