Keeping children safe online is exceptionally important and it is the responsibility of schools and families to work together to do this. At Lanesend, we teach children how to stay safe though planned learning experiences using a range of modern media. We have also put together some advice and links to help families manage their children's access to communication technologies.
Advice for Families
- Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to.
- Ask children to teach you to use any applications you have never used.
- Keep the computer or use of tablets in a family room to share your children’s online experience.
- Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends - personal information includes their messenger ID, email address, mobile number, home address and any pictures of themselves, their family or friends.
- Remind your children never to reply to or use spam or junk emails or texts they receive.
- Help your children to understand that some people do not tell the truth online.
- Remind your children never to meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust.
- Teach children how to block someone online and how to report them if they feel uncomfortable.
- Always keep communication open for children to know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.
Please continue to be extra vigilant when monitoring online controls to ensure their safety.
Useful Websites: - A useful website that is full of guidance materials and support with keeping children safe online. - A guide for families to getting the most out of the internet and keeping children safe online and on their mobile phones. - This website assesses the safety of apps and gives them a rating for families. - This is a safer search engine with filters built in for children. - This website has information for families about keeping children safe online. - The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre works across the UK to tackle child sex abuse wherever and whenever it happens. - This is a very useful site for families, with information on the risks of modern technology and how to keep children safe.