Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Welcome to Goldilocks and the Three Bears class...

Thank you for visiting this site and a warm welcome to our class!

In the land of Goldilocks and The Three Bears you will discover twenty six young ‘bears’ who love to learn, explore and fill their days with incredible, memorable learning adventures, friendship and laughter!

We are so excited to be in year one exploring all areas of the curriculum. We take such pride in our learning – whether we are playing and working in our class team, with our year one friends in the Elves and The Shoemaker class or creating our very own challenges and play projects in ‘Challenge Time’ we aim high in all we do!

In Challenge Time we build on our learning and explore learning further by creating and completing our very own challenges. As you can imagine the personalised challenges we create are vary widely, are exciting, fun and always evolving – you may find us writing stories, performing, designing or building!

We are always busy, love being outdoors and taking part in active learning. We enjoy completing the Golden Mile and love PE. We are looking forward to developing our ballet skills further this year and of course we cannot wait to start our swimming lessons!

As a team, we have designed our own class contract. As part of this contract, we have agreed values we are all committed to. The values and aims we share include: working hard to develop our independence and become confident independent learners; to be a kind friend to all, we feel that everyone is important and everyone belongs; we always try our very best to show quality in all that we do.

We do hope you will pop along and see us. We will always be ready to welcome you and be very happy to see you!

Teacher - Mrs Domoney

LSA's - Mrs Venables



Useful Websites

View ClassDojo