What an exciting Wednesday! 28.09.2016

I think last Wednesday will go down as a great memory for all the children here at Lanesend.

The BFG private viewing went extremely well and Mr Cooper said the children were laughing and clapping and enjoying the film throughout. The coach drivers said how well behaved the children were too. This occurred at the same that 130 children were on their way to London to see Matilda.

The trip was wonderful and for me the best moments were seeing the awe and wonder on the children’s faces. Many of the children were amazed by ‘Matilda’ being able to learn all her lines and songs and remember them so well. What an inspiration she is, and being only twelve years old. The children coped remarkably well with the trip up and down and walking across London and I have had lots of compliments of their fantastic behaviour and also of the feat of organisation these trips incurred.

Reception had a super double-billing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the BFG and were inspired by the films in their learning.


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